1. What we know in this world is very little but we try to pose as masters in many fields. Ego and genetic ignorance contribute to make us buffoons. The problem is we don't like to live if we understand everything in this world. Ignorance and lies are our assets.
2. Many politicians in India often bark that they sacrifice their lives also for their people. Question any of them if they are interested to undergo "Narco Analysis" publicly so that everybody can clearly understand how much they love their people and motherland.
3. Sex does not have more taste or value than what we have when we eat our favorite food or drink our choice of beverage or see a beautiful place but unfortunately idiotic and nonsensical people think of sex and discuss it more than necessary. It has been such a genetic and culturally transferable bad characteristic of human race.
4. Innocence and blind acceptance from others are mostly loved by many in this world. How many of us really like somebody that questions the rationality or utility of everything we say or one that does not accept anything until he analyzes it from multiple standpoints? This is why few like the presence of intellectuals and visionaries.
5. Understanding and practicing unconditional love toward most of the phenomena and creatures in this world is the most difficult thing. It means loving somebody that calls you a bitch or dog after you have served him or her for years out of generosity. In other words, being in love with snakes and tigers knowing that they may kill you today or tomorrow.
6. If the world is in unrest in some way in almost every age as we could record or discuss, it was mostly because of the thoughts and acts of a select intelligentsia and the related influential people at higher levels. Common people never make history bad on their own.
7. Some fools at the Censor Board of India often advise the folks of the film industry not to show real animals or birds in films because it is harassment for them. They can't advise anybody that eats meat not to do it. Killing animals and birds for food and joy is a big show in the world. When we can stop it altogether, we may be called real humanitarians .
8. The main characteristic of a polluted and dead democracy in a nation is an environment where anybody can do anything as long as he or she knows how to do it and how to escape from it. India today is a big case study for folks in other nations to know how fools misuse democracy. Who are ruling us and who are choosing them? Check both cases!
9. Most of our millionaires and politicians in India would have visited countries like the US many times and found the administration and governance there highly appreciable. None of them ever dreams to change India also like America because they are purely hypocrites and escapists. They move to heaven from hell often, instead of changing hell into heaven working a little hard always. This is the level of patriotism of our influential people at many levels in India. We admire achievers but seldom try to become achievers on our own.
10. Though many of the educated girls and boys in countries like India say that concepts like purity and virginity are outdated and ignorable, when they need to face it, in their personal lives, they badly demand it. How many of them accept their partners acting in a blue film because they are watching some other woman doing the same for them?
11. In the current age, humans developed much love and attachment with pets than humans familiar or unfamiliar to them. It shows that we developed externally a lot in terms of comforts and luxuries but we are very insecure and restless inside. We are great actors today. Our poor forefathers knew very few acting skills in comparison to us today.
12. Love is an abstract notion that makes one very much attracted and attached to a given person, phenomenon or notion for a long course of time. It is a mysterious feeling and experience because nobody knows when it originates, how and why it develops and where and how it dies. Humans generally love one that has more mystery and tragedy.
13. Human life assumes more value because there is inevitable death at the other end. Nobody can foresee when it attacks a creature. It means human life contains a great amount of suspense and mystery. The realization of loss of something makes us love it more than its existence or continuation. Who loved a neighbor like a distant celebrity?!
14. Rationality and logic are inherent and self-explanatory in 99% of the phenomena and events in this world every day and night. This is why human beings are able to live a little sensibly applying their common sense and science in many things they do. God must be the guiding force behind this logic. Some consider it 'supernatural power' for a difference.
14. 99% of the ordinary human beings also know how to make this world 100% peaceful, prosperous and enjoyable but still we live in a state of unrest and pain always because we often think that it is the duty of others to think and act for our happiness, comforts and prosperity. Humans are wise and energetic but they never use them for others.
15. 80% of the money and other highly useful resources meant for the 90% of the good people in this world are in the possession or authority of 10% people who always think and act as bad people, cheating or suppressing others. We admire them as celebrities in different fields. Check the histories of the celebrities in the world, yesterday and today.
These are my random thoughts trying to assess a few odd things and phenomena in this world that directly or indirectly contribute to make us happy or unhappy sometime or the other. There is much in this direction to think and know what is happening around us and why. Thoughts lead us to acts and acts help us to be as what we deserve. Human beings seldom grow in intelligence or kindness for others until they pose many questions to themselves and indulge in a sincere effort to find answers to them.
Criminals and hypocrites think on how to exploit others and grow at their level. Humanitarians and visionaries like scientists and social reformers think and work for the safety, comfort and happiness of others. How many of us belong to the second lot? How many that belong to the first lot are making us unhappy and uncomfortable in many ways?
To become good or bad is in our hands.
To correct the bad collectively or appreciate the good effectively is in our hands.
Those that remain without doing good or bad may be called saints, victims or buffoons.
India is a land with a set of people, not just natural resources.
How is India today is a result of what we made on our own, just like the US or Canada.
Real Indians do many things in their lives with a bit of patriotism and concern for others.
Dummy Indians do many things minding their own interests and priorities.
The choice is ours what to be. Real Indians or dummy?