Recently I listened to the great talk of His Excellency Sri Mike H Pandey on the AIR's Rajdhani channel. When millions of Indians and other idiots and rogues in this world are thinking and acting to spoil this earth planet in every possible way they can afford, this filmmaker, conservationist, dreamer, nature lover, idealist and visionary is fighting against them for our safety and future.
He is one of the greatest human beings living on this earth planet today, somebody to be compared with those scientists and social reformers and visionaries that discovered and invented so many wonders to beautify our lives in a number of ways and those that reformed us from the worst and the darkest to the better and enjoyable.
He is teaching us how to live as good human beings because we forgot such basic facts about our existence also today.
Man is the most powerful and poisonous biological weapon on this earth planet today preparing to damage the beauty of life on this earth in every imaginable way as early as possible.
What many Indians are doing today is briefed below for your awareness:
Exploit anything for his selfishness, craziness and happiness.
Kill anything or anybody that questions his cruelty or irrationality.
Using politics to spoil the lives of millions of creatures today.
Doing business to market anything that brings huge money in a short time exploiting the lives of millions of people and other living creatures.
Thinking and behaving like beasts and devils in enjoying their lives at the cost of others.
Organized public looting in the name of democracy and welfare state.
Corruption and immorality at unbelievable and unbearable rates at all levels.
Destroying nature and our future applyig our madness, blindness and might in silencing those that teach us lessons and encouraging those that support us irrationally or fearfully.
Mike Pandey is working against such these people and their cruel and selfish acts. You can read more about his efforts at his website http://www.mikepandey.org
Every true Indian living in this nation today must know what Mike is doing for rogues and idiots like us and think and act on what we can do at our end to contribute to the prosperity, peace and beauty of India and Indians, along with all those living in other nations, including birds, animals and such other creatures God created for us.