When he was starting a political party, my thoughts for Chiranjeevi were as follows:
1. Chiranjeevi is a good person and he serves people through politics.
2. He may not have experience in that field but pure love is more powerful than bad experience.
3. Present political parties are there for money, power and enjoyment.
4. Chiranjeevi does something different and great in comparison to such idiots and dacoits.
5. He is not ready to join Lok Satta because he wants more credit for his individual worth.
6. Bad people may become good ones after joining his political party.
7. Democracy in this nation can be saved by his efforts to some extent.
8. He would win elections practicing the virtues he preaches.
He contested in the recent elections and could not win many seats. He did not shun politics. I thought he lacked instincts like self-criticism, self-assessment and self-respect. I bore with him like many idiots and fools in this state. Now he is joining hands with the Congress party to contest in the coming Greater Hyderabad elections. My opinion changed to the tune of the following:
1. Chiranjeevi is a hypocrite and entered politics just for the sake of an interesting game.
2. He is experienced in acting in films and is continuing the same in politics also.
3. His political party is also there for money, power and enjoyment.
4. Chiranjeevi can’t do anything different from other bad political parties in this state.
5. He doesn’t join Lok Satta because he can’t act there and cheat people like others.
6. Even good people become bad ones after working with him because he is not a good man.
7. He further damages the standards and values of democracy in this nation.
8. He would degrade himself to any extent to remain in the nasty game of politics for some time.
I heard much from many quarters about the money Chiranjeevi and his close associates earned from the nasty game of recent elections of legislature in Andhra Pradesh. I developed dislike for him because I am not a blind admirer of any living creature in this world but an admirer of values and standards to some extent at least. Chiranjeevi proved that he is not that gentleman as I imagined once. I, one of his devoted admirers for his films, turned a different man altogether!
I still like almost 90% of the films Chiranjeevi acted in because he has been a great artist in that domain. God gave him more money and fame than he wanted but he is now prepared to damage that reputation and image turning out an absolute actor in politics also. Chiranjeevi can’t answer any of the following questions. That is the reason why I consider him a weed in the Indian style of democracy today. He got a bunch of cheats and hypocrites to sit with him and support his political party. Consider my questions below, honestly:
1. You started a political party to cleanse the systems of governance and politics in our state, as a dreamer and social reformer being influenced by Mother Teresa and APJ Abdul Kalam. Good to know that. You hated all that Congress did so far. Then why are you joining hands with the same nasty party of India today? Why should not we consider you one of the great public cheats of India? What change can you bring about in this state working with criminals and rogues?
2. Why did not you shun politics when you sensed that people did not want your guidance? We all know that people in our state have no wisdom and vision enough to choose a great leader like you? If you were hurt by their poor love for you in the elections, if you had self-respect, you should have shunned politics and engage in public service in other ways? Why couldn’t you do it?
3. The fundamental characteristic of a good leader is to have a great team to work for his goals and ideals in the field he chooses. Mother Teresa and APJ Abdul Kalam did it quietly. What are the credentials of your party’s MLAs and supporters? Why did many leave you soon after your failure in the recent elections? Why are still some working with you? Is it to guide the society, help you in achieving your lofty goals or just to enjoy the fun of the games in politics? Then why should anybody consider you, your team and your politics different from other rogues in this nation?
4. Did not your close associates in politics collect in crores from candidates for MLA and MP positions during the recent elections and through huge party funding from other quarters in India and abroad? Why should anybody consider you different from other rogues and criminals in politics today when you did the same filth as a fresh politician also? Do you want more money and fame? Say it publicly. Don’t talk nonsense because others have already talked a lot and we are bored of it. When do you start being a good human being that represents basic virtues?
5. The government of India conferred “Padma Bhusan” on you appreciating your worth as a film actor and your social service thereafter. Your intelligence and idealism must be higher than an ordinary human being. Your son Ram Charan Tej acted in a Pepsi ad with Deepika Padukone. That ad signifies the ignorance, stupidity and selfishness of a typical businessman who does anything for earning money in the present corporate world. The simple fact many know is that Pepsi and Coca Cola companies are selling harmful carbonated drinks in India to earn in millions. They want to pollute India with those muddy drinks. Your son also joined that team of public robbers and cheats acting in this ad. How do you justify your intelligence, idealism and patriotism, leaving your son to act in some nonsensical ads like that? Watch that ad carefully. He dances with that another great celebrity of India for some time and the great liquid in the Pepsi bottle gushes up with the heat created by these great dancers and visionaries of India. Ram describes its worth in his words of vision. How foolish is that idea and how misguiding that ad? Can even celebrities like you get such civilian awards in India? What about me? I also deserve one no! I too should act in such an ad or what to become a celebrity in this nation? Where did you forget your brain and where are you moving your body? Don’t you think there is still some time to change to the better and live as a perfect human being at least, not indulging in such these mad deeds?
6. What did you teach in your films “Stalin” and “Tagore” and what are you doing now? Go alone into a deep rainforest and contemplate your life? If one like me should admire you like anything for what you could achieve in the Telugu film industry, the same should thrash you publicly observing what you did after entering politics? If you want more money and fame, join any party and talk any kind of nonsense. I appreciate clarity and purity in your thoughts and actions just like a thief argues his case strongly supporting the views on why he became so and why he has to continue so. The characteristic of a good human being is to be frank and honest in what he does, good or bad? We witness this great quality in the western culture. They change lovers and wives just like we change clothes and friends. They are honest and open in their attitudes and culture. Those interested in that way of life can go there and join them and others can stay away from them. I know that you often go to countries like the US and the UK. Learn these virtues from them. When do you do it for God’s sake and stop acting in politics also to further disfigure this nation? Many are working hard to pollute India? I think we don’t need your contribution also.
7. Nothing disastrous happens if you shun politics today itself because there are many rogues and dacoits to run that messy machine. You are continuing to be in politics just to satisfy your hurt ego (to prove yourself as a great star and achiever in politics also as it happened in films) and unwanted sentiments for this already ruined nation. I can teach you how to live as a good human being if you come out of politics immediately. Jaya Prakash Narayan of Lok Satta has been doing it for the last 15 years or so. If you are really a gentleman and wish to change the society, you must work with that real thinker, visionary and dreamer living in our state today among ourselves sacrificing the comforts of his life for the sake of social reformation, like Mahatma Gandhi. He is a better teacher than me because I am currently at theory level only and this gentleman is doing tough practical exams with the spoilt society. You are a proven star in films. He is a great star in politics. A good star in one field must never hesitate to work with another great star in another field when the goals and approaches of the both are toward one ideal. What is stopping you from taking such great steps if at all your goal is to help the society walk from darkness to light and from silence to questions and from anarchy to democracy and from beautiful lies to bitter truths?
8. I agree that parties like Congress, TRS, TDP, CPI and CPM and others might be there for their selfish and narrow-minded agenda and goals. How are you different from them and why should people love you, not them. Only admirable uniqueness and novelty of one in a given field meant for the happiness of many make one a real celebrity. Do you possess such qualities? Write them on a sheet of white paper and read them silently. God tells you what you are really. Check it.