I belong partly to East Godavari and Visakhapatnam districts and thus I must be said to be a native of the Coastal Andhra Pradesh as it is distinguished from the Telangana and Rayalaseema regions. I have been staying for long in Hyderabad. I know a little about the Telangana people. The only thing I dislike in their communication is that they don’t address others with a word of respect which we from Andhra region do always. It is part of their language and culture. I often managed to understand them from their standpoint.
Recently our central Home Minister Shri. P Chidambaram announced the decision of his government to start the process of giving a separate statehood to the Telangana region considering their long struggle for it and the recent highly tense situation that arose in this part of the region in the aftermath of the hunger strike by TRS Chief Shri K Chandra Sekhara Rao. He was on the verge of death in the ICU of the NIMS in Hyderabad. The TRS activists of all sorts created a lot of disturbances throughout the Telangana region supporting their leader’s strong move to achieve separate Telangana at the cost of his life also. Some disturbed and innocent ones committed suicides in this region.
K Chandra Sekhara Rao is also important to us because he is also a human being and he headed a separate Telangana movement because it has been the wish of their people in this region for long. The centre, chiefly headed by Ms. Sonia Gandhi, took that ultimate decision to settle the issue immediately to some extent. I appreciate Ms. Sonia Gandhi’s decision in this regard because she can’t allow a state of India to remain highly disturbed and tense for days together leaving the law and order in that place to air.
Shri K Rosaiah, the present Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is 10 times better than Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, one that ruined this state like never before with his plans and visions of a spoilt child. He gave highly valuable assets of this state freely or at nominal prices to anyone he loved for some reason. Shri K Rosaiah, in fact, inherited a hell created by YSR. When he was trying to showcase Andhra Pradesh as a stable state in terms of its economy and other developmental activities, many disturbances took place here, the Telangana movement being the supreme burning issue among them recently.
Currently idiots, rogues and lunatics that belong to the Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema regions of this state are involved in a lot of crazy and sadistic activities about which you can read in the dailies and watch on television channels.
I felt like sharing my honest and unbiased views about this issue from my perspective, as one that loves people and this nation more than a particular region or any other particular issue as trivial as these movements presently going on in Andhra Pradesh.
There is no harm to the people of Andhra or Rayalaseema regions if a separate statehood is given to the Telangana region. If it forms into a new state, then the Andhra and Rayalaseema people should decide whether they want to remain united or separate themselves into two other individual states like Andhra Pradesh and Rayalaseema. In short, the present united Andhra Pradesh gets fragmented into three small states called Telangana, Rayalaseema and Andhra Pradesh. We can live in our respective states being in the same kind of attachment and sentiments we had so far with the people and property of other states in this region. But the political rogues from the Andhra and Rayalaseema regions started creating much nuisance in these regions now demanding the status quo of Andhra Pradesh as a big state with three regions of different cultures and dialects. MLAs and MPs from these two regions resorted to resignations showcasing themselves as great patriots of this state. I strongly object their selfish, immoral and criminal motives and activities in this regard.
Telangana people want a separate state because it has been their long-felt issue of self-respect. If we believe that our respective regions are prosperous enough to sustain ourselves with the rich human and natural resources we got in our regions, there is no need in demanding united Andhra Pradesh like before. Unfortunately, it is not the common people in these two regions that are agitating against the proposal of Separate Telangana State but those that bought huge amounts of lands and other properties in Telangana region. They fear that the costs of these presently valuable assets might get badly affected once the Telangana state forms. They are such criminals and sinners.
I found the Telangana people and their political leaders also 10 times better than the rogues and criminals from the Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra Pradesh regions. Chandrababu Naidu is the leading opportunist from Rayalaseema region and Y S Jagan team exceeds him in that order. So far, these two cults from Rayalaseema region, namely Chandrababu Team and YSR Team, continued to enjoy political power, keeping the loyal dogs and bitches of Andhra region in a kennel, giving them nominal positions.
Once three states take birth from Andhra Pradesh, the political scenario changes altogether. Chandrababu Naidu and Y S Jagan have to fight with equally ferocious and tactical leaders of their Rayalaseema region and it is something they can’t digest now. They can no more remain considerable leaders of a big state.
Telangana people can rule themselves happily and struggle to develop their interests and economy as much as they can manage as any new state does. Their culture does not represent terror or crime as much as we can see it in Rayalaseema region.
On the other hand, Andhra people have to make Visakhapatnam or Vijayawada their capital city and start living as the people of a newly formed state. Then Lagadapati Raja Gopal and T Subbarami Reddy start playing nasty politics in this region, based on community and other ugly elements. They are basically politicians, not good human beings. Their interests are money, fame, lands, properties and power wherever they are.
If I can see things to be this cool and comfortable even if three states form out of the present Andhra Pradesh, why not students, political leaders and other serious interest groups of Rayalaseema and Andhra regions? The answer is simple, “They lose much in terms of money and power once a separate Telangana state takes birth”. None of the rogues currently creating nuisance in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions are the real representatives of a great India, where some people love others as they are. These are encouraged to come on to the roads and ruin public property by selfish and criminal groups in these regions, especially those that get badly affected once Telangana state comes into existence. Sonia Gandhi must break Andhra Pradesh into three states if she is really a capable political leader and an honest patriot of this nation.
The following is what I think the people, activists and leaders of the TRS should do from now onwards:
1. They must not allow the central government to function peacefully until a separate state is formed in tune to their long-felt wishes and demands. They must do everything possible in a peaceful manner until their long-felt separate Telangana comes into existence. They should not misuse their valuable time or resources any more. This is the best time to strike the iron at the centre.
2. Anybody that loves to stay back in Telangana state can live here even after it takes birth as an individual state. There is no harm to ordinary people living here who may belong to other regions. Telangana people do not eat others.
3. What the people or the political leaders of the other two regions do should not be a matter of concern for them any more. Separate Telangana state is their one and only dream now and they want to realize it as early as possible following the set constitutional procedures, peacefully.
What about Hyderabad?
I agree that there is great contribution of many from Rayalaseema and Andhra regions in the overall development of Hyderabad. Many came and settled here because Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh and naturally it developed better than other regions of this state. Billions of rupees were spent for about 50 years to develop Hyderabad and that money belongs to the people of Rayalaseema and Andhra regions also. Hyderabad undoubtedly belongs to Telangana region in geographical sense but in terms of its development and culture as we see it today, not. Hyderabad represents the cosmopolitan culture anybody can see in the capital of a big state in any part of India. Hyderabad belongs to everybody that is currently living here and nobody has moral authority to demand the people of other regions to vacate even after the new Telangana state comes into existence. Any Indian can live freely and happily in any part of India as long as he applies his sensitivity and sensibility as a citizen of this nation expected from the native people also because they are the primary owners of a given region.
So, either the central government or the Telangana state must give huge amount of money to the states of Rayalaseema and Andhra Pradesh because they need that money to develop their respective states now. When three brothers, who lived together for about 50 years, in one big house, with a joint family structure, intend to separate themselves and live in three different houses, it is morality and formality, in any sense, to distribute the wealth concentrated in the big house equally to all the three brothers.
I consider Andhra region more fertile and industrially developed than Telangana and Rayalaseema regions but they want to take their due share of money when they are separating themselves from the Telangana region. I also condemn any irrational demand of money from the leaders of these two regions from the Telangana. The central government should constitute a group of unbiased and unrelated economists from other states of India and check the records of Andhra Pradesh ever since it took birth as a separate state in 1956. Whatever additional monetary resources were allocated to the Hyderabad city, in its status of the capital of Andhra Pradesh, in comparison to other cities and places in this united state so far, must be calculated and the dues must be paid to the people of these two states, Rayalaseema and Andhra Pradesh.
I don’t see rationality or morality in making Hyderabad a Union Territory either because Hyderabad has centuries of distinct culture and tradition which partly or fully represent the uniqueness and beauty of the Telangana people and their culture. Muslims can live happily in Hyderabad even after the formation of separate Telangana state. Anybody from India or other nation can happily come to Telangana state and spend in Hyderabad as it was earlier. Telangana people don’t bite them or humiliate them. They too have a culture of their own and they know how to respect others. Telangana people do not become lunatics or criminals just because they are starting to live in their new state.
We all Indians should love each other even if we are living in different regions and states representing our uniqueness in terms of our language, culture and religion. We may live in different houses but we can certainly love our neighbors if we are basically good human beings and admirable Indians. I like to move to any part of India because I love those places and those people. India is mine, yours and ours as a whole.
I would appreciate if the centre assigns separate statehood even to other regions in India now, who have been demanding for it for long. Instead of allowing terror and unrest to reign in these regions forever, not fulfilling the demands of these people to live in separate states representing their unique identity, we had better further divide our nation into a few more fragments. There is nothing wrong as long as we divide ourselves into even smaller entities for some rational or irrational factors. Humans always do not do everything rationally or scientifically only. We can’t settle every issue if we apply our scientific approach but a humanitarian and idealist perspective. If ten sons of a big family wish to live separately, let their parents allow them to live so. There is no threat to India as long as we remain Indians with a sense of patriotism for our nation as a whole, wherever we are. I don’t like the idea of suppressing separatist movements in India. Instead we can safeguard our interests from threats posed by Pakistan and China.
I am not an economist or politician but a patriot of India. I belong to the interest group of “Indians thinking and working for a safer, orderly, peaceful, prosperous and beautiful India”. I am disturbed to see this kind of India where politicians, celebrities and industrialists are always thinking about India in terms of their opportunities to exploit it, make more money out of it and live happily in their safer zones and other places of the world, making nonsensical and misguiding comments now and then, here and there.
Every patriotic Indian today needs to inculcate the following culture:
1. Love India, its people, places, diversity and everything that belongs to India. You would die one day but India remains to give life to your children, grand children and other guests that chose/choose to live in our great nation. Let’s respect our guests from whatever nation they come and represent our great Indian culture.
2. Earn money, fame and anything you dream in India or elsewhere but be proud to be an Indian and do something to express your gratitude to your motherland.
3. Explosive expansion of Christianity, Islamic terrorism, fatal Coca Cola culture, unlimited sex and immorality in our lives and bonds, poisonous impact of Cricket on the youth of India in making them unproductive and pervert, rising poverty and exploitation of India by our politicians and industrialists must be the primary concerns for everybody that loves India and wants to see a better India tomorrow.
4. Hindus can’t be assigned an ugly status in India, now a little, and more in our near future, in the name of biased secularism wherein Christians and Muslims are allowed to live as per their wishes, not respecting the vital interests of India, which fundamentally belongs to Hindus. I am a Hindu and I don’t mind anybody living in India as long as they don’t pose threat to Hinduism and those that follow their faiths silently. Practice your faith in your Church and Mosque. Christians should stop propagating their religion and Muslims should live as Indians following the rules and regulations applicable in this land. If you dream to live as perfect Muslims in tune to those living in the UAE or Pakistan, you should move to those places. Indian culture is different from those nations and you should not misuse this freedom to your benefits and our ruin in the long run. Hindus are practicing family planning but how many Muslims are doing it. This is just one issue. Still many Muslims don’t feel India as their motherland and it is something I regret. I expect an Indian to live as an Indian only even in the US and the UK, not disgracing Americans or the English people or fighting for immoral rights as it happened in Sri Lanka recently. We are guests there and we should know how to think and behave with our hosts. The same rule is applicable even to Christians and Muslims living in India for long. You belong to India just as Hindus belong to this place but you should know to live as a great Indian instead of a great Muslim or a great Christian.
5. India is in a poor state of affairs even to this date. Corruption at many levels is our biggest threat. Democracy is in its worst form here. Every Indian that loves this nation must think and work on these larger issues instead of minor issues like Bollywood, Pepsi, Bingo and Cricket. If a Hindu is an immoral dog or a corrupt rogue, let’s kill him first before teaching lessons to others in our nation. I am unhappy with the characters, lifestyles and cultures of millions of Hindus in this nation. We have millions of temples and we frequent them but we did not develop the standards and virtues real Hindus need to inculcate and practice always.
6. Millions of Indians are still illiterates and spoiling their lives through rigorous bad habits like smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco products, unlimited sex and similar crimes and sins. Democracy won’t be successful when voters remain fools or lazy creatures. Educated and affluent rogues are not voting during elections. The uneducated ones are choosing criminals and sinners helplessly. If these do not vote in some place, the devilish politicians are resorting to rigging. Shame to say that we are the biggest democracy in the world. The real phrase must be “Biggest anarchy in the name of democracy in the world”.
7. Let’s be modern in practicing virtues like universal fraternity, humanism, unconditional love and patriotism instead of prostitution, smoking, drinking, night club culture, half-naked beauty contests and the related existence barring any self-control on ourselves to remain sensitive and sensible Indians. Be honest to your lover, life partner, business partner, government agencies, your employer and to any other relationship you maintain as an Indian. If you want to live as a dog, search for similar bitches but don’t think that there are dogs and bitches only in India just like you and your thoughts. I presume 60% of Indians still wish to practice ethics in their lives and professions. Learn to accept and appreciate their choices and allow them to live as per their wishes. Don’t make an innocent girl pregnant or exploit physically in the name of love or other forces, you can impose and devise, if you can’t allow your sisters, mother and other female relatives in your network to be the same by other males in your region or other places. They too want the same liberal culture like you and you must allow them to enjoy those privileges of a pervert like you. Precisely, don’t be an immoral dog or bitch.
8. Ultimately what makes India a great nation is every Indian living with a great character, respecting others’ interests and choices. Apply sensitivity, common sense and rationality in everything you do toward others. Don’t ruin public property or respect those that do such mean things even in your family, community or religion. Call a rogue a rogue if he or she is by you. Discourage evil and appreciate virtue. We know what being good means toward others. When we remain so, even others do the same toward us. Then only we can see a great India soon where the sensible interests of all are cared for by others, through mutual understanding and cooperation.
Anybody from India or abroad, can comment against any notion or idea proposed above. I know how to communicate with a saint and a criminal also. If our collective dream is to be good Indians and make India beautiful and prosperous soon, it is enough to practice virtues at our level in everything we do. Debates and protests do not make India better but our choice to be good individuals from our end first. Think that way and live to that extent. Nobody can stop the progress of India as long as everybody in India thinks and works for it like a patriot at his or her level without expecting publicity or appreciation always from every quarter. Others recognize your worth and contribution in this mission tomorrow or day after tomorrow but you should start working from today itself.
Datla Chiranjeevi Raju
9:00 PM IST