My cousin Narendra Varma, who is intelligent, hard-working and honest, could not get through the GATE-2010 recently despite his devoted preparation for it for about a year. He simply told me after knowing the results, “I don’t know why it happened so!”. IIT professors prepare question papers for the GATE and JEE. One can answer those questions differently. They are tricky. How do machines evaluate their answer papers and decide their ranks? There might be gross corruption, immorality, negligence and sin in this whole process. Who is there to clarify the doubts and questions of many IIT aspirants like my cousin? IITs, IIMs and such other bloody institutes in this nation practice such disorders here publicly. There is no transparency. Many study there for that prestigious stamp. Those studying elsewhere are either rogues or fools because they could not get through those brainless competitions and study in those mental asylums.
There are many premier institutes like IITs in India which select candidates in quite disguised and unquestionable manner.
No Chartered Accountant has minimum ethical sense to question the rationality and morality of their institute in India. Foreign agencies should not audit Indian companies. Then how is this bloody CA firm in India allowing the big four auditing firms of foreign nature to audit the Indian companies? How many CAs in this nation are helping companies and individuals earn more money through dishonest and illegal accounts and reports and how many of them are really advising and guiding companies and individuals toward ethically and organizationally strong and standard ways and means of doing jobs and businesses? Satyam debacle is just one example. The fact is 98% companies operating on this holy land of India today are doing their businesses on the principles of fraudulent accounting, misguiding reporting and showy quarterly and year-end results. It means our very apex body of accounting standards is preparing, recruiting and nurturing bloody cheats and unethical dacoits in this nation. They teach others how to cheat others, earn more money and assets in a short time and then spend the excess money for buying lands, spending with celebrity prostitutes, going abroad to burn some more money there, deposit some money in foreign banks and do such other unproductive, unethical and illegal works in their personal and professional lives. Hats off to CAs! If any CA or related professional living or working in this nation has any complaint against me, he or she can file a case against me in any court. I come to a court only one day to give my self-defensive papers and get away. I don’t like spending more time than it at a court, because they are “prime crime agencies” in this nation today. A criminal likes arguing cases for long time with similar criminals and sinners. Fortunately, I am neither a lawyer nor a judge. I am an ordinary Indian!
There is no transparency in many things happening in India today, except in one thing that officials in the private and public sectors take their percentages without fail to do something. Fraud, corruption, hypocrisy and public nuisance are our ways of living and doing business today!
I knew one thing from many observations in India today, “Honest, hard-working, innocent and ideal people suffer more to live against the tactics, disorders, demerits and pressures created and perpetuated by dishonest, lazy, cunning and selfish rogues and scoundrels”.
When some are unable to live happily, following the route of ethics, they either turn into anti-social elements or such other groups oriented toward crime and sin. Thieves are snatching ornaments from women on roads. Killers are assassinating their competitors and other rich people in mysterious ways. Rapists are loitering about public places to catch hold of an innocent girl or woman and exploit her before police smell it. Terrorists are ruining peace and order in this nation in their way. Who is reliable here? Anybody can meet a danger, accident, killing or death at any given point of time. If it was somebody else yesterday and today, it might be you or I tomorrow. We are all in quite danger zones.
I heard about the immorality and cruelty of politicians, businessmen, celebrities and other kinds of influential people in our state. An innocent girl was raped and killed some days ago. The son of a politician committed that heinous crime. Police arrested somebody else. They injected slow poison into his body. He is poor and helpless. He dies slowly. They close the case after his death. The son of this nasty and filthy politician is saved forever. He enjoys more with the money and assets his father accumulated for years cheating the people of this state for years as an influential politician. There are many politicians and celebrities in this nation allowing their sons to do such crimes and then escape from them quite easily. No lawyer takes up that case because it does not yield them money or professional fame but threats or murder. No justice considers it because there are many such cases in India today, which never come to courts. So, justices are not responsible for any injustice or disorder in this nation. They read their old books and deliver justice in respect of those cases that reach them. They live for money, pension and fame, if any, not for making India better. They are government employees. They just act their formal roles.
I have been reading in newspapers, every day, for the last five years, about a series of frauds undertaken by politicians and businessmen, involving looting billions of rupees of public money. No police, lawyer or judge talks about their atrocities or crimes. ACB staff is raiding the houses of corrupt officers at low level. They are not touching the lives of big villains in this nation, about whose assets many know. Why this disorder and unrest in India augmented by our people only. The poor suffer smoking and drinking and thus killing themselves on the way, leaving their families on roads. The rich are spending their time earning more money and spending it in quite unproductive and lunatic manner.
Last year I bought a glass of sugarcane juice for six rupees, before that year for five rupees and this year they put it at seven rupees. Even hawkers and roadside sellers are resorting to the ways of earning easy money because it turned a way of life for them. I recommend killing them on the spot and throwing their dead bodies in seas as food for fish. Cheats of any kind must be killed publicly. Poor people are not an exception from this cleaning process. I like that juice but I stopped buying it because I found that price beyond my reach. I stopped buying apples, dates, oranges and many such other fruits and nuts because I can’t afford those prices. Mediators are getting rich. The innocent farmers and the helpless end consumers are remaining the victims in this process. Only the rich can buy fruits in this nation. Only the rich can buy gold, houses and lands in this nation. I begged my father to sell one acre of our agricultural land to save me recently when I remained jobless for a year. I did not know how to earn money or live on my own beyond the only way I knew, doing a job, if it is available. How many Indians like me can live happily in this nation today? Very few! They are living because they should not die. Some are dying because they did not like to live any more. This is the Incredible India we built for ourselves over the years. Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi would further encourage and sustain this culture. Manmohan Singh tells foreigners that ours is the biggest democracy in the world. What an intellectual and idealist to rule this nation and talk about its greatness in other nations?! These nuts are developing and sustaining a culture of corruption, disorders, demerits, unrest, unreliability, insecurity, exploitation, terror, rape, looting, killing, deterioration, pollution, fear, loss and chaos.
I see only one solution to end this process in India and rebuild it in the right way; killing every corrupt, disorderly, pervert and unwanted Indian, from every quarter of India, and then allowing only the ideal, hard-working and intelligent ones to rule and guide us.
Then, who would join this mission?
Very few Indians are ready to work for it because they expect martyrs and social reformers to born and grow in other families and places, but not they taking these roles. Indians attend parties first and accidents and dangers last!
Can I kill all these brutes, criminals and sinners in this nation single-handedly?
Many rich Indians are enjoying their lives in quite immoral and illegal ways in this nation and abroad. They read bad news and leave it there.
Many poor Indians are struggling hard to live. They don’t kill corrupt and immoral people in this nation because they have no intelligence or strength to do it. Poor people follow others. They are not change makers. They are sheep!
Many intellectuals, scientists and dreamers are there in this nation. They can kill unwanted lot in this nation and rebuild it into a Rama Rajya very soon. But, unfortunately, they are staying indoors writing for newspapers or giving lectures here and there. They are not acting to reform and rebuild this nation. One Jaya Prakash Narayan can’t do it but thousands of them! When do they do it?
A nation develops or perishes in course of time depending on the thoughts and actions of its intellectuals, dreamers and scientists. India further perishes soon.
Mahatma Gandhi led freedom movement because he was an intellectual, dreamer and scientist. He knew how to drive the English people away from this land because he was an intellectual. He dreamt of a free and flourishing India after him because he was a dreamer who never had desires for political power or financial gains. He was a scientist because he managed time perfectly to carry out his innovative tasks aiming at some rational, positive, productive and constructive results which lead a nation from darkness to light and from poverty to richness. He lived and died for us. Today, we are living for ourselves!
I want to see such people undertaking this project in India today; just killing every bastard that is directly or indirectly ruining the peace and prosperity of this nation. Once I had a soft corner for naxalites; but not now. They seem to be quite foolish, cowardly and narrow-minded creatures touring forests just like that to kill some ordinary people on the way. If they killed really bad people in this nation, during these 60 odd years after independence to India, I need not worry about bad India and worst Indians today like this. They have been a big failure. Successful allies uproot them. This is what our government is doing now!