August 28, 2010


Often I have problems to explain what I mean by Outstanding Indian Beauty. An image of such highly influential beauty can perhaps answer this question better.

When browsing Google Images this morning, to find out the photo of an exceptional beauty, typing out the name of a bollywood film actress, I came across this image over there. I avoided that bollywood actress and picked up this one because she is the kind of beauty I wrote about in my short story "Excursion" in my book Stories of Love and Beauty. I built a great abode of safety and comfort for such beauties in that story.

Exceptional beauty is that which compels you to admire it immediately without thinking about anything else in those moments and mainly arresting your senses of reasoning and logic.

I would give 98 marks for 100 for the marvelous beauty and great pose this girl possessed over here. Perhaps she sat there casually and some bloke like me would have snapped her there in that pose out of his curiosity.

Such girls inspire us within seconds because they are exquisite creations of God, a great artist than all of us folks on this earth planet.

I don't know who this girl is and what she is doing now in India or elsewhere but I felt like recording this truth of my impression and inspiration about her, posting this blog here.

I call her "A Temple of Beauty". Admirers like me loiter about those temples waiting for the blessings of glances of these divine living beauties but they run after some other folks, interests, goals or fancies.

What a pity?


gahan shreshta said...

great bro...i really got my cute senses on for the moment i se her in google search here...i admire every beauty... she is marvellos and v both are same in taste...great job

Unknown said...

Dear Gahan,

Thank you for your appreciation of beauty. Everybody likes admiration from others. Beauties enjoy compliments from others. The job of an admirer of beauty is to admire beauty. Both of us are doing it.

I consider this beauty extraordinary and exceptional always.

Where is she?

What is she doing?

I don't know. Many don't know. So, many ordinary film actresses and page 3 ladies are remaining limelight. What about beauties like this girl? They are not getting enough recognition and appreciation for their beauty. They really deserve it because God provided them with such inspiring beauty.

Admirers of beauty must be sensitive, ideal and dreamy.

Unknown said...

A thing of beauty is joy for ever said John Keats.

Unknown said...

Dear Jagan,

Thank you for sharing this comment with me through my blog over here.