September 18, 2013


Lately I read a little piece of news in Telugu daily Eenadu that U R Ananta Murthy, a distinguished personality of India, who specifically belongs to Karnataka, stated that he would go away from India if Narendra Modi of Gujarat would become the prime minister of India. He believes that Narendra Modi does not have the qualities to assume this position and so if such disaster takes place in India, he leaves the land of India. I felt furious about Mr. Anantha Murthy after reading this piece of news. The resultant anguish made me write the following words. 

I agree that Narendra Modi is not God. He is also a human being. However, every Indian must admit that Narendra Modi is not an ordinary human being because he made Gujarat a vibrant state of India through his years of hard work and vision for the people of that state. He asked people to vote for him practically judging the sustainable development he achieved in his state over the years. 

I love Gujarat and the people of Gujarat now because most of them are living happily today just because of the admirable administration Narendra Modi brought about in this enticing and beautiful state of India. At the same time, I also admit that there are some allegations leveled against Narendra. He must have certainly failed in some aspects of administration or otherwise. I already stated that ‘he is not God’. Every mortal commits some mistakes and sins because it is the basic characteristic of all creatures. 

Not just as a ruler of a state of India, Narendra Modi is a bright star of India in many respects. He is not corrupt, narrow-minded and stupid like 95% of politicians we are seeing in India today. He is a true leader, the kind of such leader for whom millions of Indians are waiting today pathetically. People want peace, development and happiness under the rule of their ruler. His Excellency Narendra Modi realized those common dreams of ordinary people in India and thus rose as an extraordinary visionary and idealist of India over the years. 

His Excellency Nitish Kumar is also one of such leaders of India today because he has been transforming the lives of millions of people in Bihar silently. There might be some mistakes in his political career but we cannot ignore the idealism and hard work he is investing into the development of his state. Just because there are some errors in the sketch of these admirable citizens and rulers of India, can we stamp them as ‘bad ones, whose presence we cannot bear?’ Mr. Ananta Murthy committed such crime making such shallow comments about the life of Narendra Modi and I strongly condemn his take in this regard. We cannot blame God just because He did not appear to us. 

I would have certainly commended Mr. Anantha Murthy had he ever made furious comments or admirable contributions in the following order! My direct questions to him are given below. 

What kind of sustainable development and happiness could you bring into the lives of Indians so far as a thinker and writer? Can you measure it like that happened in Gujarat or Bihar? Could you eradicate poverty from India? Could you remove corruption from the holy land of India? Could you prevent unrest and anarchy from this spoilt nation? Did you always live as a true representative of God, who never commits a mistake or sin? What is the worth of your practical achievements in comparison to those of great Indians like Narendra Modi? Did you ever walk through the various slums, forests and dangerous places of India studying the pathetic lives of Indians and suffering along with them, staying with them, for a period of time? 

I often worry thinking about intellectuals and dreamers like Anantha Murthy. Ramachandra Guha is also a person like him. He did achieve a lot as a historian and writer of extraordinary qualities but all that can be considered as zero when I perceive him as one that wrote a book on cricket. It’s like giving life to a helpless ant on a river and killing thousands of other creatures on the land. The sin of committing a blunder overshadows the worth of other achievements. 

Shallow idiots and nasty blokes like Sachin Tendulkar made India into a dirty dustbin during the last 40 years spreading the deadly disease of cricket across India. Most of lazy and crazy rogues of India are spending their valuable time thinking about cricket now or playing it anywhere, avoiding constructive thoughts and ideal actions for building a great India at their level also. Briefly, I should state, “Cricket ruined the intellectual and hard-working qualities of millions of Indians over the years, thus paralyzing its collective development process, involving Indians”. Mr. Ramachandra Guha wrote a book on such fatal infection of India. How can, any Indian, dreaming and working for a great India, forgive the crimes of intellectuals of India like Guha from this perspective? I compare the futile comment of Mr. Murthy also against Narendra Modi to the achievement of Guha in this order of thinking for India. 

Does anybody die in India if Anantha Murthy goes away from India? 

Does anybody cry if Mr. Guha does not write a book on cricket? 

Does anybody bother if I do not write and post this blog on my blog site? 

These are all not highly vital needs of any Indian but every Indian badly needs a challenging and extraordinary leader like Narendra Modi in India now. We are patiently waiting for sustainable development and the related peace across India. I cannot be happy only if a part of India is prosperous and peaceful but every piece and creature of India. God is our creator. He wants every piece of land and every creature in India to be beautiful and happy in all respects. As Indians, all of us should think and work towards making India so under the leadership of great Indians like Narendra Modi, Nitish Kumar and A P J Abdul Kalam. 

There are hundreds of extraordinary Indians in every part of India silently working for the development of India. I cannot list their names and achievements because it is very long. It is enough if we can contribute a little from our end in this long march towards light from darkness on this holy land of India. How many of us are doing it today? 

I appreciate if intellectuals do not make unnecessary comments about the great leaders of India now and then. It is like throwing a stone at your old and feeble mother after you grow up because you no more need her love or service. We should learn to acknowledge the achievements of leaders, not just of those who died, but also of those, who are living now in India and abroad. We all owe a lot to those brilliant stars of India because they are struggling to make India prosperous and tranquil. Vibrant and peaceful India can always be a result of remarkable achievements of thinkers, visionaries and masters of India. We should appreciate them vigorously and admire them continuously. This is the minimum courtesy we can extend towards such jewels of India. 

Before admiring anybody in any part of the world, one must get reasonable and accurate answer to the following question “Did he or she bring sustainable development or happiness or peace into the lives of some or many, directly or indirectly, and if yes, how did he or she achieve it over a period of time?” 

How many of us are choosing our role models from this perspective. We should stop thinking about and admiring dirty rogues of India because ignoring and discouraging really great achievers is like committing a crime on our part. We should identify masters of virtues carefully and appreciate and encourage them continuously since it is the little contribution we can make towards the development and peace of this great nation. We may not be able to achieve extraordinary things but we can certainly clap for and encourage our great leaders and achievers. Do it because they are thinking and working for us, the hopeless and disappointed Indians, not for God. 

Remember that no man or woman or any creature can live and die without committing any sin or mistake. Taking a birth on this earth itself means the result of inevitable burden on your soul. You are taking a birth just to get relieved of that unwanted burden and slowly march towards God. Realize that this material world is just a shadow or dream. Never attach yourself passionately to it. You will vanish from it one day and no scientist can identify your whereabouts thereafter. You are the subject of God. You are suffering now because you are getting carried away by the evil attractions of this material world, strongly believing that it all belongs to you. You actually belong to God. You originated from that almighty and compassionate God. He is your destination. Move towards Him only and nothing else. Keep understanding and practicing virtues always. It is the only way to slowly reach God and get rid of this hellish life on earth. If you commit more sins knowingly or unknowingly, you will suffer more. 

My deepest regards and salutes to all such leaders and thinkers of India and the world, who struggled and are struggling to make this world a better place for all of us to live. 

Let’s salute them. 

Let’s encourage and follow them. 

Let’s walk patiently behind them clapping and encouraging them when they are alive, instead of talking about them after they die. Mahatma Gandhi gave free India to us. Narendra Modi is making that India bright for us. Tomorrow, you or I must continue that process of development and peace, as the true heirs of these great leaders of India. Let’s prepare ourselves physically and psychologically to actively and proudly participate in that challenging and admirable role tomorrow. Live in the present also, not just in the past or future always.

Only then, we can realize such India, where every sensitive, helpless and innocent girl can also sleep fearlessly in any part of India, believing that she is among ideal human beings but not amid a set of beasts and sinners. 

We need such prosperous, beautiful, peaceful, happy, secure, reliable and holy India. 

Each of us must think and work towards making India so.


Siddhartha Charak said...

I just want to know what are the vice versa qualities of the people you have mentioned in this post to give this post certain stability about the good and bad qualities of people, as reading this post has made me too curious abt the above question.

Unknown said...

Dear Siddhartha,

I could not completely understand your question. I have to go through all this blog again to particularly capture the essence of your question. I often don't have time to do so. Please ask this question more specifically so that I can answer it.

In many cases, you can certainly understand what I mean by using a phrase in a blog provided you understood rest of it. Try it that way or put me a direct question related to this blog as you felt it.

Thank you for taking time and interest to post this comment over here.

Siddhartha Charak said...

I meant that as you have posted the qualities of people over here that some are good and some are bad, what are the bad qualities of the good people ang good qualities of the bad people ?

Unknown said...

Dear Siddhartha,

Thank you for coming back to my blog site and for the patience to type up this comment again. Your name is very inspiring because it is that of Guatham Buddha.

I don't think that you made this comment here just for a clarification but out of an ulterior motive.

I did not go through this blog again to comprehensively understand your comment posted here. Still, I try to answer your query in this context.

Let's think that there is a thief. He is stealing the possessions of rich people and giving most of them to the poor ones. This is the good quality of a bad man.

A saint is talking about many standards and values on a public platform but he is not following any of them at his personal level. Say he is consuming meat, enjoying immoral bodily pleasures with innocent or bought girls and women behind the screen, torturing his servants and others in his private life. Many consider him to be a saint but he is actually a sinner. These are the bad qualities of a gentleman.

To sum up, virtues are always appreciable. Virtues are such qualities, which keep a man like a gentleman or extraordinary man forever. He or she does not hurt or cheat anybody as far as he or she can manage.

Vice are any bad qualities, which a person possesses. He or she cheats or hurts others frequently or regularly. We should not respect and encourage such creatures anywhere but this is what we are doing in India now. Most of the celebrities, whom we consider great, are actually opportunists and escapists.

We should love, respect and encourage such persons and achievers, who are greatly contributing to the sustainable development and happiness of humanity at large. Scientists and social reformers are just a few of such admirable people.