March 28, 2016


How do we estimate the value of a person, phenomenon or creature? Value is a feeling that we develop about something or somebody based on our understanding about it or its relevance or importance to us or others once, at present or in future. The values of all entities keep changing in course of time. One that seems to be very valuable to me may not mean the same to others. Many factors affect the value of a living being or a thing in this world. Mostly, one’s condition, imagination, perception, emotion, passion, logic, helplessness or dependability facilitates one to understand and value things differently. In fact, nothing has a definite and unchangeable value in this world. The value of anything or anybody in relation to you or others depends on how much you or they value it. The value of something is in our imagination only but not in reality. If you think that something is worthless, it is worthless to you. If others take it as highly valuable, it is valuable to them. I present some factors to understand the concept of ‘value’.

1. Age

Almost every creature, with life, has the element of age. The existential duration of a creature between its birth and death is its age or life. Since nobody is permanent here, everybody attributes value to others.

1. Most of us consider infanthood or childhood valuable because it is the foundation of one’s life. As children, we seek careful upbringing and affection of our parents, relatives and well-wishers. In formative age, what we learn or do would have a profound impact on our latter life. We should value formative age.

2. Old age is also very important stage of human life. One undergoing old age realizes that life is boring, unbearable and avoidable. He counts his days to desert his body soon. Observers realize that pains of separation and self-pity are integral parts of all life forms. Old age is a great teacher to self and others.

3. Age means period of time. There are various ages in human history. Each age presents a man or woman differently. Man lived like a beast in Stone Age. Later he improved his intelligence applying his knowledge and skills gained through observation of surroundings. Age changed him from beast to man.

4. Youth is also a dominant stage of evolution in human life. This is when many crave the company of creatures of opposite gender. Their thoughts and acts are fast, unpredictable and unreliable. They are challenging but cannot properly utilize the power of their age for better things on their own.

5. When one is between the ages of 20 and 50, many consider one as a knowledgeable and dependable one with the assumption that one acquired some skills before 20 which can be used rest of life. After 50 or 60 years, our body does not remain healthy and active much. We slowly lose our value after 60.

6. The age of other creatures such as animals, birds and trees also decides their comparative value. Young creatures and trees are treated with respect and affection by many because man can utilize them well when they are operational and productive. Do we care them if they turn old, parasitic and worthless?

7. Some are valued more if the age is more. It is believed that sages aged many years beyond 100 are living in the mountains of India. Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Jammu and Kashmir must be the favorite habitations of these great saints. We value them so much that we are scared to go to them.

8. Archeologists, biologists, geologists, astronauts, oceanographers   and a variety of scientists involved in the pursuit of exploration of mysteries of organisms and things related to the past on the earth and in the space value those of the longest age. They try to decode mysteries and wonders looking into the past.

2. Craze

Craze means excessive, abnormal or irrational passion for or attachment with something. In all ages, all have craze for something or the other. The thoughts and pursuits of crazy blokes might look or sound stupid, avoidable, bizarre or eccentric to others. Those mad after somebody or something don’t mind it.

1. Lovers seem to be the craziest creatures in all ages. Love is a universal and inevitable phenomenon, more so between creatures of opposite gender. What they do for their lovers is beyond records. Many sacrifice a lot for their lovers. Some die in the name of love. Lovers accord a lot of value to their beloved.

2. Hobby slowly turns into craze in some cases. Let’s think that book collection is hobby to a person. Initially he collects some books, not thinking too much about it. After collecting 2000 or so books, he turns mad after them, if others appreciate him much. He finds any book much valuable from that stage.

3. Many boys and men have craze for girls and women. They think about them, run after them, buy costly gifts for them and do a lot with them to satisfy their wild desires. Many spend a lot of time and money on this pursuit only as long as they are young and energetic, neglecting other vital things also knowingly.

4. Auctions often surprise me. Some items like diamonds, paintings and possessions of noted artists are being sold at unbelievably high rates every year. They don’t contribute 1000 rupees also for a cause but they spend huge money for things of this order. Their craze for these things is increasing their value.

5. In every nation, larger sections of people have craze for something or the other. Now many nationals are mad after the events of games, sports and entertainment. Indians are mad after cricket. They make it part of their life or culture. These pursuits are turning into highly valuable things in that nation soon.

6. Indian women like gold, ornaments, clothes and household items. They don’t mind their knowledge, skills, health, wealth or future but their attractive material possessions only. They focus on items and pursuits of beauty also a lot. Consequently, they are according more value to these kinds of items only.

7. Now common trend in India is craze for electronic gadgets like smartphone and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Many youngsters are changing phones like anything and are craving identity and appreciation on online social networking platforms. Technology and gadgets are valuable for them.

8. We wonder to know that a number of religious and spiritual cults are there in every part of India, doing a lot to attract various people towards their cults. Many are becoming devotees of these demigods. They attribute much value to those heads of cults. They are worshipping them and donating millions of rupees.

9. Many are mad after astrology, vaasthu, palmistry and numerology. They don’t go out if it’s not auspicious time. They build any house following vaasthu only. They believe in palmistry. They change their names also for numerology. These practices and pursuits are becoming valuable due to their craze.

10. Most of Indians and other nationals are focused on using the Internet nowadays. Those with modern gadgets are browsing on their cellphones or computers only. Other less privileged ones are resorting to Internet cafes. Online presence is important for them. So, they made use of Internet a matter of craze.

11. Chicken, mutton, fish, prawn, spicy fast foods, pubs, feature films, parties, tours, bikes, cars, loans and luxuries are the choices of many modern youth now across India. They are spending much for them.                                                                           

3. Need

Need is what we desire partially or strongly to satisfy our wants, wishes or desires continuously.  We need many things and facilities for our survival or excellence. We accord more value to those, which help us live and grow peacefully. We cannot survive without meeting the demands of our body and mind. We wonder to realize that we are being in a relationship with many in this world partly or fully only because we are fulfilling some needs in our lives or professions just because of our association with them.

1. Children need the financial, moral and social support of their parents till they become self-reliant. They do what their parents advise as long as they depend on them. They attribute more value to their parents as their degree of dependence on their parents increases in course of time. They fulfil their needs regularly.

2. Wife and husband can be happy and comfortable as long as each of them thinks that the other is valuable in his or her present married life. They depend on each other for many needs and reasons. Each looks valuable when they feel so. If they stop thinking so, they don’t find the other worthy and attractive.

3. A candidate looking for a reliable job finds any good employer valuable initially. He feels loyal, obedient and disciplined towards them during that stage of his association with his employer. When going out for a better opportunity or sacked for a strong reason, his employer does not look valuable at all.

4. A lender, be it a moneylender, relative, friend, well-wisher, bank or other financial institution, who can offer us money with or without interest, when we are in dire need of money, looks like a God when we are approaching him. When he asks us to pay back after some or a long time, he appears like a villain.

5. Man cannot live without social and familial support because everybody is a parasite but most of us maintain a relationship with somebody for a period of time only because we need their support for that duration only. Afterwards we behave carelessly towards them. This is what we call opportunism.

6. During emergencies, we consult specialists or those who can help us immediately without conditions. They offer us their best service during this time. We don’t find them as interesting and valuable ones later because we don’t need their service any more. Most of us don’t mind those, who helped us once much.

7. When we travel in a bus, train or an aeroplane, we develop a kind of relationship with those closely visible or accessible to us. We feel a psychological bond with them for those few hours. We mingle and interact with them as if we are related deeply. Once the journey is over, we cannot be in touch with them mostly.

8. Some work in a company for a few months and some for some years. Every employee builds a network of relationships with his subordinates, peers and superiors for personal or professional needs. When they leave those jobs, farewell meetings are conducted. Once out, they don’t find time to be in touch.

9. Infatuation is also a strong force which makes us mad for a creature of opposite gender. We don’t know why we love some fast. Their presence, thoughts and looks mesmerise us. We crave their appreciation. We do a lot to satisfy them. Once we lose that feeling, they look quite negligible to us.

10. Regular interaction also makes us love others. We like those who appear us at retail stores, temples, hospitals, schools or other abodes of human presence more than those, who occasionally come into contact with us. We value them more than all those, who are staying away from us for some reasons.

4. Helplessness

Helplessness is a state of life in which we cannot live moderately or excel considerably if some circumstances or persons do not help and guide us optimally in time. Every human being feels helpless and hopeless at some or other stage of his life. He needs solace, guidance and assurance during those critical moments of his life by those whom he trusts or those who love him more than others. What we offer when one is helpless impacts him deeper than what we do when he is happy and comfortable.

1. Many donate food, clothes, money and such other items of utility to those who are in great need of them as part of their birthdays, ceremonies, celebrations or out of interest for social service. Those receiving this kind of generous help from others find the donors very kind, valuable and admirable.

2. A widow, who leaves her husband after many struggles and pain in association with him and his relatives, finds anybody that behaves generously towards his wife, very valuable. If she marries for the second time and if he loves and takes care of her considerably, she treats him like God on earth.

3. There are many orphans in this world. Some are counted and cared for by voluntary organizations and philanthropists and many are not counted at all. Many orphans spend their lives in pathetic conditions, suffering from lovesickness and solitude. Those that love and help them appear like angels to them.

4. Physical and psychological disabilities are matters of quite concern for the individuals concerned, their parents, relatives and friends. Everything looks gloomy and unpromising to them from their pessimistic point of view. If some can bring them out from this predicament, they value them a lot.

5. Illiteracy, stupidity, bad habits and bad luck drag many back from the pursuit of their normal lives or lofty goals. They look for a helping hand. Contemporary society and governments play nominal roles only in their lives. If anybody can pull them from that ditch of disappointment, they feel very happy.

6. Many resort to God when they are helpless and doomed. They take the God as the ultimate saviour and guide. They believe that God only can resolve all the problems in their lives. This is why many convert into a religion when they are psychologically, socially and financially down. God is valuable for them.

7. You have lost your purse and belongings somewhere on a long journey. You need some money to reach your home from that stage of journey for vital needs like food. It is not easy to request others and ask them for 2000 or 5000 rupees. If somebody helps generously in this situation, you love him a lot.

8. Somehow a girl could not attract the eyes of parents of many boys for marriage. Shortly many started gossiping that she is an unfortunate girl in that family. Her parents and relatives too started thinking so. If a good and handsome boy marries her out of love for her, she finds him as saviour and guide to her.

9. Old age and the stage of bed-ridden sickness hurt many a lot. The entire world looks cruel and boring to them because they cannot do many things, which other young and healthy creatures are doing actively. If we love and care for them during this stage considerably, they accord much value to us directly.

10. When we are in a foreign country, their language and culture disturb and confuse us a lot. We cannot master it within days. We get neglected or punished if we don’t reform ourselves fast. We cannot develop fast if unfamiliar and unreliable ones teach us. One that is close to us can help and win our heart.

5. Distance

Distance can be physical or psychological. Most of us do not live closely with our parents, siblings, relatives or well-wishers for various reasons. We remain far away from them. We regularly think about them and suffer realizing that they are not accessible to us. We cannot go to them physically, leaving our vital studies, jobs or businesses. The more the distance between us and those whom we love deeply, the more our pain and regrets. When we crave their presence badly, we find them valuable largely.

1. I studied away from my parents when I was a child staying at the house of my maternal grandparents. My parents did not think that I would feel hurt and forsaken if they had not come to see me often. I suffered from grief, distress and homesickness as a child because my parents were valuable to me.

2. When I studied in a residential school for three years from 1990 to 1993, I spent an academic life of isolation from the rest of the society. There were no people around but hills and silence. If any of my relatives came to see me, I used to feel blissful. When they went away, I suffered and cried silently.

3. I stayed away from my parents and siblings for 10 years even after my education. I wanted to spend my time in their company but there was no possibility. I could not bear with that pain of isolation. I left such life of distance voluntarily and came closer to a place where there are my parents, relatives and others.

4. I spent in a unit of my employer for a month as an English instructor in 2014, away from my wife and children. Before marriage I longed for my parents and siblings. After marriage, it was for my wife and children. I found that short period of isolation distressful. Distance thus disturbed me considerably.

5. Many newly married couples face such traditional or professional situation whereby they have to live away from each other for a period of time. They talk over phone. They count days and nights to reach that opportune time to meet the other. They don’t find the other that valuable if she or he is very close.

6. As part of liberalization, privatization and globalization, many Indians started going abroad and settling there forever during the last few years. Many settled there long ago. Every NRI, who spent some part of his or her life in India once, feels grief, pain, isolation and desolation, while living in other countries.

7. Personnel of defence services stay away from their family members as long as they are in their service. They cannot spend even one day without thinking about their dear ones. They suffer when they cannot physically feel the presence of their beloved ones. Distance from one another is making them feel so.

8. Sensitive lovers and admirers develop deep psychological bonds with those whom they love or admire. They cannot share those feelings and realities with hostile societies and family members around in most of the contexts known to us. They cry and suffer silently, not being able to spend with the other closely.

9. Division of some countries and regions as part of wars or historical events inflicts psychological and cultural wounds on the psyches of all those separated inhumanly at some point of time. The hardships and pains of many of those that belonged to East and West Germany might be the best example for this.

10. Death, ultimately, creates the inevitable distance between those that are living on this earth planet and those that left it. If God gives souls to all those that died during the last 50 years, all of us wish to see them again in those bodily forms. We love bodies and memories attached with those bodies a lot always.

6. Time

Time is a force with absolute authority on all creatures, phenomena and events within its sphere. It is not a creature but process. We don’t find human life or the events in this world interesting and exciting if there is no concept of time at all. We don’t follow schedules or discipline if there is no power of time. It’s an abstract notion with concrete impact on all related to the earth and other planets. Human life is valuable because it is bound to age parameters guided by time. Time influences us every second.

1. When I was pursuing my school education in a hamlet in a district in Andhra Pradesh, during 1990-93, it looked as a place of haunting memories because there were hills all around and human presence was low. Now I am finding it as a valuable and inspiring place for learning. Time increased its value.

2. When a wife is living with her husband, he does not find her as an impressive and inspiring creature because of proximity and easy accessibility. If we meet him a few years after her death, he looks melancholy and hopeless. He finds her belongings and memories very valuable and incomparable.

3. Many wines, which have been brewed for years from special verities, cost a lot now. Antiquity has a worth of its own in all ages. If something existed once and not now at all, it turns a very valuable phenomenon for all. Dinosaurs are the best example. If they appear again, we treat them as invaluable.

4. If we see a film which portrays the events of the present and a film which presents the bitter truths of the past, of 2000 years or before that, we feel excited watching the one that portrays the distant past than the present. Many changes occur in course of time. We feel thrilled observing those basic changes.

5. We find one that is coming to see us after five or ten years more valuable and unique than one that met us a few weeks ago. There may not be any change in his psychology or other realities associated with him for long but our very perception about him changes just because of the time gap in physical meeting.

6. The house we lived in years ago looks more valuable than the one we are living in now. We attribute a lot of value to the ones that belong to the longest past than the recent past. We sit and recollect the past sitting at a dilapidated house rather than looking at and appreciating a newly constructed building.

7. Who were our forefathers about 1000 years ago? Where and how did they live? What were their physical features and lifestyles? These questions look more attractive and inspiring to us than, “What are the interests and priorities of my parents? What are the abilities of my friends, relatives and well-wishers?”

8. Children listen to our stories more interestingly when we start them with phrases like long ago, once upon a time, rather than there is a governor in the state of Arizona. Mystery and history evoke interest and passion in us than the present. We like that which is highly inaccessible and unaffordable to us.

9.  We are finding the sun and moon very valuable because they appear and disappear regularly during day and nighttime. If they appear or disappear for a number of years continuously, we don’t find them as considerable ones. One that is accessible and favourable to us can attract us more than others.

10. Many cry recollecting their past but not their immediate or distant future. Past was lost. We cannot regain it despite having millions of dollars. Can we see our children as kids again after we turn 60 or so? Can we talk again with our sweetheart that was friendly when she was 16 or so? Lost was invaluable.

7. Unavailability

When something is available, we don’t want or crave it much. Abundance leads us into a feeling of negligence and carelessness. When somebody says that it is a last chance, we hurry up for it or worry thinking that we may not be able to get it. Many marketing folks use this trick to lure customers. Scarcity increases the value of many useful things and organisms. UNO and some other voluntary organizations are doing a lot to protect and preserve rare and endangered species. Rarity enhances value of something.

1. When flood hit a shrine in North India last year, a lot of life and property got washed away. Scarcity of goods prevailed due to detachment of those areas from other main land areas for some days. Many unscrupulous rogues sold drinking water, milk and such essential commodities at very high prices.

2. Right now there is wide scarcity of girls of marriageable age in some other communities of Andhra Pradesh. About 20 years ago, many middle-class parents avoided bearing girl children considering it as an unbearable burden. Now girls seem to be more valuable than gold, pearls and diamonds in these regions and communities.

3. Sand is necessary to make constructions of various types, with cement and concrete. Until recently sand looked like a very valuable entity to the people of Andhra Pradesh. A few days ago, sand was announced to be free of cost to all natives. Now many stopped considering sand as a valuable item.

4. There are many seas and oceans in this world but we cannot consume salty seawater directly. This is why people are not drawing seawater much for consumption in any part of the world. Potable water is valuable. We are spending a lot of money to procure, process and utilize highly reliable water now.

5. If we go to a clinic in a town where an extraordinary specialist would be available for two hours only on Sundays, many queue up for him thinking that he is a very valuable doctor. If the same doctor is available 24/7 at his clinic minding the welfare of all kinds of patients, they don’t find him valuable.

6. There are some rare blood groups like O – and AB +. Many search for it hurriedly and worriedly at the eleventh hour. Blood groups like A – and A + are widely available. There won’t be much tension and pain in procuring this blood group. If it is not available in an emergency, we buy it at any cost ultimately.

7. We consider the holy food (prasaadham) brought from temple shrine Tirupathi or that of Lord Shiva at Sri Sailam very valuable because it is not available to us easily. On the other hand, how do we treat the same kind of food cooked at home for offering to God. Nobody treats it as special and valuable item.

8. We are treating philanthropists, freedom fighters, martyrs, pioneers and extraordinary artists special and highly valuable compared to other common people. We take Mahatma Gandhi as a rare and commendable personality. We find them very valuable because many humans are not like them now.

9. What we see in museums and national parks mean a lot to us because they are not available much in other areas for view also. We find the time we spend there also valuable. Are we according such value to the belongings and pets at our abode? Since they are easily accessible to us, we don’t respect them much.

10. Compare the value of a baby son of a rich mother that got him after years of waiting and medication and the value of 10 or more children to a poor and helpless mother. We value those friends who are not easily accessible to us more valuable than those who are living in our neighbourhood. It’s our perception.

9. Imagination

Imagination might be logical or illogical. Imagination is a common trait of all human beings. Nobody is an expert in all fields. We cannot lead our lives without imaginations. The root of all great or tragic events is imagination. Creativity is a kind of streamlined and logical imagination, which can surprise, educate and entertain others differently. Imagination is the essence of human life, from which all kinds of thoughts and innovations emerge. One without imagination of any kind would be treated as a nut.

1. When we go to a sage or scientist, we believe that he has extraordinary spiritual knowledge or scientific achievements. We don’t know much about God, soul, Karma, rebirth and salvation or logic, theory, analysis and application but we assume that he has extraordinary knowledge and experience.

2. When we watch a duet in an Indian feature film, the actor and actress describe each other in a variety of pleasant and inspiring words to express their joy and celebration. We don’t know where those places are or what those polished words mean actually. We find the protagonists and their language very impressive.

3. All creative works employ the element of imagination. Literature is the best example of imagination. We have been reading a variety of literary works for years on a multitude of subjects, themes and topics but not feeling bored of them though there are characters, incidents and ends of similar nature in all.

4. Strategy, planning, arrangement and conclusion of all kinds require imagination. How to defeat the villain? What to do when a natural calamity hits our region? When to decide what to do? How to end a negotiation in favour of us? Who should do what and when to please the guest optimally in time?

5. Lovers find their active, energetic and imaginative lives more interesting and exciting rather than a wife and a husband as part of their married life. While in an innocent love relationship, both the partners find their present and future wonderful because they perceive it from their standpoint of wild imaginations.

6. Many personality development speakers are introduced to us by others reading out the degrees they obtained in different branches of learning and years of experience in many domains of expertise. We find them more valuable when a lot of great things were told about them. We imagine that they are great.

7. Many admirers, who passionately adore an achiever for some reasons, never meet him/her in person. They attribute many good qualities to them out of their pure love and attachment for them without enquiring or checking whether they deserve such treatment from others. Their imaginations outdo realities there.

8. Fear of black magic and the unknown are also the results of imagination. Many believe that some have great powers of black magic. They can torment or kill their targeted ones without going there. A scientist, a millionaire or an extraordinary achiever has to yield to him. They believe that he has many powers.   

9. Many are engaged in treasure hunt pursuits across the world. It has been believed that tons of gold and such other valuable metals had been buried under ground years ago by our forefathers due to natural calamities or other reasons. Many think that earth is a storehouse of a variety of valuable goods.

10. Public relation officers and shallow politicians describe a lot and show heaven to customers and common people in words only. They can do wonders taking people into a world of imaginations. They are continuously taken and kept in a world of beautiful lies. Those, who tell lies well, are respected by many.

10. Utility

Utility is one’s usefulness to us. Man is so selfish that he maintains an attachment with somebody or something only if it benefits him directly or indirectly in the short or long run. He wants to derive happiness and comfort from most of the things or creatures he has at his disposal. He shuns or discards others at will if he believes that they are not useful to him. He changes the atmosphere around him and manipulates the circumstances in favour of him applying his intelligence, cruelty or authority over time.

1. Man has been considering the moon and the sun in our familiar solar system highly valuable since time immemorial. Religiously inclined ones call them Gods. Scientifically oriented ones treat them as a planet and satellite. Both are getting light and energy from them. So, they are according value to them.

2. Farmers rearing animals and birds for their livelihood maintain two kinds of culture towards them. They consider fertile and productive ones as valuable ones and treat them with high care and love. Those that are infertile or useless by birth or that turn so in course of time are neglected and discarded by them.

3. As many believe, parents do not love and care all their children alike. They focus more on who is doing something useful for him or them in course of time. Many parents treat handsome, beautiful, energetic, financially capable and useful children more valuable and interesting than those without these merits.

4. We know that an actor and actress are promoted more in and outside a feature film because those producing, directing and promoting feature films assume that actor and actress are the USP of their pieces of entertainment. Others may do wonders but they and we seldom see, care or discuss them in general.

5. Cardiologists, pulmonologists, orthopedists and gastroenterologists are in more demand now than dermatologists, nutritionists and psychologists because most of us think that our heart, lungs, bones and nervous system are more valuable and important to us than our skin, balanced diet regimen and mind.

6. If we go for asking a donation for a cause and if there are the chairman of the company, directors and some managers and if we have easy access to all based on our earlier interaction and relation with them, we directly go to the chairman and ask for it because in that context, he is of highest utility to us.

7. If there are 10 lakh rupees with a criminal, five lakh rupees with a beggar and one lakh rupees with a sage, and if we have an option to take money from any one of them only once, we choose the criminal. We value the money in this context but not who possesses it. More money gives us more happiness.

8. If there are four companies to us and if we are faced with a situation where we have to sell any three of them and retain one only for legal obligations or other pressing reasons, we retain that firm which brings us more profits with less effort in a short period of time even if it is a bad business from other perspectives.

9. Most of the students, over the decades, have been pursuing such academic courses, which help them get high pay jobs but not those which bring less pay but a great deal of satisfaction. Even entrepreneurs pay high to those who directly contribute to production but not other departments that support them always.

10. We are investing more money now in gold, lands, buildings and such other valuable assets but not knowledgeable books, balanced diet and philanthropic service though we talk about them grandly in formal occasions. We run after such things, which would be of high utility to us in course of time.


1. Value is a feeling configured by various notions and assessment criteria. All don’t treat a person or thing alike in different contexts and circumstances. Values keep changing as we change constantly.

2. Contemporary trends and influences impact value of things and creatures. We cannot increase or decrease the value of many things at will. Mostly demand and supply parameters affect value of entities.

3. Many promote themselves doing such things, which most of others cannot do that easily despite great efforts for long. It means they are unique persons. Special skills often inspire us than ordinary ones.

4. Underestimating or overestimating somebody or something shows our ignorance and foolishness. We face problems in both the contexts. Our endeavour must be, always, to assess somebody accurately.

5. We need not consider something or somebody very valuable just because many are using, following or admiring it or him. The best preferences of majority can, at times, be the worst things from another perspective.

6. Education, analysis, experience and insights gained earlier often help us assess the value of something or somebody in an accurate manner. If we have adequate knowledge, we can assess them better.

7. In many occasions, value is a vague and unreliable concept. We can never assess anything or anybody perfectly because our human capabilities are not enough to do it effectively beyond a stage.

8. Others can often increase or decrease our value before others artificially. If all the villagers wish to treat me as an admirable person, they promote me so. Then others too accept and believe in it.

9. If we are trying to enhance our value through our attire, residential place and other resources, it means we are not basically correct or valuable people. We are playing a smart role just to impress others artificially.

10. We should not build up our image or character in such a way that the features, gadgets and assets we possess are primary contributors to enhancement of our value but our essential qualities and standards.   

11. The value we get and retain due to the kindness and generosity of others is avoidable. The value we gain and retain based on our knowledge and skills makes and keeps us happy and self-confident.

12. We should treat such things as more valuable, which are vital for our survival, but not excellence. Water, food, land, air, clothes and people are more valuable than soda, styles, tours, gossip and prestige.

13. We should never wish to be identified and appreciated by all because all cannot understand our value. It is enough if we are encouraged and appreciated by those few ones, whom we take as great persons in many ways.

14. Learn and do such things, which make you as a valuable person from the perspectives of idealists and achievers but not something to be eulogized by such persons, who don’t have standards and values at all.

15. Enhancing your value in the short or long run is simple. Think about real value. Talk about highly valuable things and persons. Do highly valuable things always. Don’t get attracted towards bad things, which don’t have real value.

16. God created everything and everybody adding some value to it. All valuable things and persons don’t come to you on their own. Your worth lies in identifying and utilizing them to enhance your value also.               

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